


Law, Economics, Economic Analysis of Law.


This article analyses the concept of economics applied to law in order to understand the school's analysis of legal phenomena by economic principles that emerged in 1960 in the United States of America, tracing the impacts on intellectual property law in the Common Law system. This study relies on the hypothetical-deductive method, with a focus on economic and legal literature, to conclude that intellectual property legislation is frequently modernized, especially at the time of major socio economic transformations such as an industrial revolution with the effect of boosting development and innovation, ensuring economic growth with the proper security and protection of industrial secrets and expertise.

Biografia do Autor

Marcelo Negri Soares, Unicesumar/ ICETI - PPG Mestrado e Doutorado em Ciências Jurídicas

Post Doctor in Law. Doctor and Master in law at PUC-SP. Law Professor at Unicesumar. Professor Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Business & Law, Coventry University (UK). Member of IBCJ and Cientist at Depac/BSGI. Researcher at the ICETI and at the Fundação Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp). Lawyer, Accountant and Speaker. E-mail:

Marcos Eduardo kauffman, Coventry University / FBL.

Law Professor, Intellectual Property. Doctoral Student in Business and Law - Centre for Business in Society - Coventry University.

Raphael Farias Martins, Unicesumar / Masters in Law

Masters Student in Law no Centro Universitário de Maringá – PR (UNICESUMAR).


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Como Citar

Soares, M. N., kauffman, M. E., & Martins, R. F. (2025). ECONOMY LAW AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF LAW AND THE IMPACT ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IN THE COMMON LAW SYSTEM. Revista Direitos Sociais E Políticas Públicas (UNIFAFIBE), 7(2), 474–504.

