The present work analyzes the current panorama of constitutional justice, especially under the prism of the jurisdictional guarantee of the Constitution, from the verification of paradigmatic historical decisions, Hans Kelsen's theoretical analysis on the subject, the legal debate between this philosopher and Carl Schmitt about the guardian of the Constitution and current issues concerning the exercise of constitutionality control in the Brazilian legal system. Based on an analytical-propositional methodology of the Federal Constitution, on the model of constitutional justice designed by Hans Kelsen, and on a bibliographical survey, with the exploration of scientific texts, doctrine and legislation referring to the theme, this article outlines a general panorama of this justice system, its objectives and importance for the guarantee and preservation of the democratic order and of fundamental rights, It highlights the use of the mixed system of control of constitutionality in Brazil, by means of concentrated and diffuse control, which is accomplished, among other topics, through the verification of historical aspects about the constitutional movement that occurred in Europe and of judicial decisions considered as initial milestones on the subject.
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