pandemic. contagion. civil liabilityAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has not only affected the lives of millions of people, causing damage to both individuals and the entire economy, but it is also affecting the Italian legal system. The circumstances of the pandemic have shown that the consequences of the virus have been different depending on whether those affected were perfectly healthy people or people who suffered from other diseases, even serious ones. The pandemic has also affected the rights and institutions provided by the Constitution. This is above all due to the number of regulatory measures adopted in Italy to deal with the Covid-19 health emergency and the consequent problems that have arisen with regard to constitutional principles: in fact, the enormous number of regulatory acts approved by alluvial way, of different types and effectiveness, has given rise to difficulties of reorganization and harmonization, constantly changing and dependent on the results of medical bulletins and press releases. Regarding the constitutional problems that this discipline has raised and continues to raise, the pandemic has certainly affected the system of sources of law, the form of government, in particular the relationship between parliament and government, the limits of the judiciary and procedures of a jurisdictional nature, on the form of State, regarding the relations between the central State and the territorial autonomies, as well as on the fundamental rights most involved. The pandemic crisis advances the discussion on the limits of civil law categories, forcing careful reflection on the strength of some institutions, such as civil liability, and on the functioning of the founding principles and values of the Italian legal system. as the protection of the human content of the personality contained in article 2 of the Italian Constitutional Charter.
Keywords: pandemic. contagion. civil liability.
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