Fundamental rights. Food safety. Democracy. Sustainable development goals. Constitution culture.Abstract
In view of the latest events that have marked Brazilian democracy, one of the issues that drew attention was the electoral proposal that alluded to “picanha at the table of Brazilians” and the rejection that this promise provoked in a large part of the population, which disagrees with welfare public policies. , which instigated the analysis of this narrative under the bias of protection of constitutionally provided fundamental rights. The subject will be addressed through bibliographical research combined with the study of the relevant legislation, in which the hermeneutic phenomenological method was used, in order to, in view of the analysis of the national reality of exposure of a third of the population to hunger and extreme poverty in confrontation with the fundamental right to food security for the entire Brazilian population, it is possible to reach an understanding of the constitutional and international goals to face this condition for the realization of the Constitution and of democracy itself.References
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