
  • Luis Manuel Marcano Salazar Universidad SEK, Santiago de Chile



COVID-19, Seguridad Humana


The phenomenon of migration and displacement of Venezuelans to Chile will be analyzed from a multidisciplinary perspective and under the prism of a hermeneutic-interpretative-documentary methodology. The phenomenon will be observed from various theoretical perspectives, whose central construct is migration and displacement as a phenomenon that impacts human security. The Venezuelan humanitarian emergency will be studied in the context of covid-19 during a brief period 2017-2021 and the idea of ​​a supra regional universal jurisdiction will be analyzed, compared to the obligation to protect of the States in Latin America. This will try to answer the research question: what are the limits of the responsibility of the State to respond for the human security of migrants and displaced persons based on the Venezuelan experience in Chile between 2017-2021? It will start from the hypothesis that considers that human security in the region is an aspiration that needs supranational actions to guarantee that the human rights of migrants and displaced persons are respected and protected by the authorities of the nation-states of Latin America. You will end the reflections with some conclusions and a proposal that seeks to analyze the application of Universal Jurisdiction in domestic judicial structures, for which the judicial system must maintain its independence, just as democracy will obey a protection that goes beyond the borders of the nation-states.

Author Biography

Luis Manuel Marcano Salazar, Universidad SEK, Santiago de Chile

Doctor en Historia por la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Suma Cum Laude), Doctor en Ciencias, mención Derecho por la Universidad Central de Venezuela, Doctor en Derecho y en Relaciones Internacionales de Preston University de Estados Unidos Wyoming, Maestría en Ciencia Política de la Universidad Simón Bolívar de Caracas, Licenciado en Historia por la Universidad Central de Venezuela, Licenciado en Educación por la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello de Caracas, Abogado, por la Universidad Santa María, Magistrado de la Sala Constitucional del Tribunal Supremo Legítimo de Venezuela constituido en el exilio. Profesor titular e investigador Universidad SEK


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How to Cite

Marcano Salazar, L. M. (2023). SEGURIDAD HUMANA DE LOS DESPLAZADOS DE VENEZUELA EN CHILE FRENTE A LA CRISIS REGIONAL Y EL COVID-19. Revista Direitos Sociais E Políticas Públicas (UNIFAFIBE), 11(1), 457–476.

