
  • Carlos Renato Cunha Faculdades Londrina
  • Ana Maria Scarduelli Gurgel Faculdades Londrina



Civil Registry of Natural Persons, General Data Protection Law, Law and Technology., Right to Access Information., Notary Law and Registration Law


The need for harmonization between the LGPD and the principle of registration publicity, as well as the daily practice of civil registries of natural persons raise points of divergence and convergence. In view of this, the objective of this article is to clarify to users, officers of the civil registries of natural persons, as well as other operators of the right, what are the greatest impacts of this law and what are the regulations directed at the notaries in question and how to comply with rules of governance starting from the concern regarding the flow of personal data within the services. This article presents itself as qualitative research, carried out using a deductive method and a bibliographical and documental search. Preliminarily, a conceptual overview of the established law is presented and the relevance of the LGPD in civil records is mentioned. Subsequently, the impacts of the LGPD on the services with this specialty are explained, in addition to the role of the civil registrar in the process of collecting and processing data from end users. The care that civil registrars must take when adapting to the LGPD and the practical applications of this rule in civil registries will also be addressed. Finally, the flow of procedures that guarantees the protection of data of users of extrajudicial services is addressed. It is concluded that the challenges of harmonization are great from the legislative point of view and even more so when observed from the point of view of practical application, however the new legislation is healthy and guarantees greater security for both the end user and the actors involved. in registration activity.

Author Biographies

Carlos Renato Cunha, Faculdades Londrina

Doutor e Mestre em Direito do Estado pela UFPR. Especialista em Direito Tributário pelo IBET. Professor do Mestrado em Direito, Sociedade e Tecnologias da Escola de Direito das Faculdades Londrina. Professor da graduação em Direito da PUCPR e das Faculdades Londrina. Procurador do Município de Londrina. Advogado. E-mail: Lattes:

Ana Maria Scarduelli Gurgel, Faculdades Londrina

Mestranda em "Direito, Sociedade e Tecnologias" na Escola de Direito das Faculdades Londrina, Especialista em Direito Notarial e Registral (LFG). Bacharel em Direito (IESB). Registradora desde 2017 e atualmente Registradora do Registro Civil de Pessoas Naturais e de Interdições e Tutelas e Registro de Títulos e Documentos e Civil das Pessoas Jurídicas da comarca de Jaguaríaiva-PR


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How to Cite

Cunha, C. R., & Scarduelli Gurgel, A. M. (2023). CIVIL REGISTRY OF NATURAL PERSONS:: CHALLENGES TO HARMONIZE THE DUTY OF PUBLICITY AND THE GENERAL DATA PROTECTION LAW - GDPL. Revista Direitos Sociais E Políticas Públicas (UNIFAFIBE), 11(2), 189–207.

