Humans Rights, International System, Terrorism, ViolenceAbstract
The article carries out a historical and geopolitical analysis of the measures taken to combat terrorism, delimited by the rupture of the international system caused by the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. We will address the issue of human rights in International Relations and its connection with violence, analyzing the peculiarities of terrorism that affects the world order as a whole: the reasons that triggered the emergence of terrorist groups and the attitudes of such groups to ensure their visibility in the international system. The text starts with the questions: how do the rulers of world powers act in the face of such a problem? How have the media and public opinion been shaped to accept human rights limitations and what would be the pragmatic solution to face this terror that is currently shaking the international system? It is based on the premise that many States disrespect human rights to obtain advantages in the international apparatus, which triggers a wave of violence, due to global interdependence, other disadvantaged nations, in turn, use violence as a form of recognition of their existence. and obtaining visibility in the International System, generating an atmosphere of uncertainty, in which we suffer a setback of such protective orders.
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