Poder Judiciário, Sentença., Resolução de conflito., Acesso à Justiça., CEJUSC.Abstract
The study addresses alternative means of conflict resolution and the basic right of access to justice: CEJUSC constitutional guarantee of inclusion of rights and accessibility to the Judiciary. The social (in)effectiveness of the sentences issued by the Judiciary in the impositional scope is analyzed, given that the impositional measure on the lives of the conflicting parties does not result, in most cases, as the best decision and pacification of conflict between the parties. This is seen by the large number of resources proposed in the Brazilian Courts. While the freedom of choice by the parties involved in the conflict to use the Judicial Center for Conflict Resolution and Citizenship (CEJUSC) to carry out self-composition is considered. The structuring of CEJUSCs is organized by the determination set out in Resolution nº 125/2010 of the National Council of Justice, Code of Civil Procedure, Mediation Law nº. 13,140/2015 and with a public policy to advance throughout the national territory, presenting positive and effective results in pacifying existing conflicts in society. Therefore, this research is developed based on a jurisdictional-historical, bibliographic and statistical analysis, based on the comparative-deductive approach. Alternative means of resolving conflicts relieve the Judiciary, evoke the right of access to justice, present accessibility and speed with justice close to the citizen.
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