
  • Isabela Teixeira de Menezes Reino Universidade Cesumar - UNICESUMAR
  • Dirceu Pereira Siqueira Universidade Cesumar - UNICESUMAR


adoption, child and teenager, personality rights, best interest


The present work aims to identify the difference between children in the adoption process and children in foster care so that it is understood whether there is a distinction in the protection of the personality rights of each group. Initially, the extreme vulnerability of children in adoption was addressed, as in addition to being vulnerable in terms of age and development, they also require special attention from the State so that fundamental and essential rights to life are not violated and curtailed. In a second moment, through the documentary technique, data collected from the National Adoption and Reception System (SNA), prepared by the National Council of Justice, was analyzed and described to highlight the characteristics of children in the adoption process and in institutional care and with welcoming family. Finally, the personality rights and development of these groups of children were worked on, demonstrating the real differences between them and how they are protected by the State. To develop the research, the deductive method was used, starting from general premises to reach particular conclusions, as well as the documentary technique for analyzing the data collected from the SNA and the methodology used was the non-systematized bibliographic review of national and foreign books and articles available in database.

Author Biographies

Isabela Teixeira de Menezes Reino, Universidade Cesumar - UNICESUMAR

Master's student in Legal Sciences at Cesumar University (UNICESUMAR); CAPES/PROSUP scholarship holder; Notary Assistant.

Dirceu Pereira Siqueira , Universidade Cesumar - UNICESUMAR

Coordinator and Permanent Professor of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program (Doctorate and Masters) in Law at Cesumar University - UNICESUMAR (since 2018); Post-Doctoral Internship in Democracy and Human Rights by the Ius Gentium Conimbrigae of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra and by the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century of the University of Coimbra, area of ​​concentration in "Democracy and Human Rights", under the guidance of Prof. Doctor Jónatas Eduardo Machado (2014); Doctor (2013) and Master (2008) in Constitutional Law from the Toledo Education Institution - ITE/Bauru; Specialist (2006) Lato Sensu in Civil Law and Civil Procedure from the Centro Universitário de Rio Preto (UNIRP); Graduated in Law (2002) from Centro Universitário de Rio Preto (UNIRP); Member of the Human Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of the UNIFAFIBE University Center; Professor of the Undergraduate Law course at the University Center of Bebedouro (UNIFAFIBE); Guest Professor of the Master's Program in "Strategic Business Management - Master Of Science in Administrative Studies (MSAS)" - Subject: "Ethics and Legislation" University Missouri State - USA; Member of the Observatory of Food Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean; Researcher - Research Productivity Modality for Doctorate - PPD - from the Cesumar Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation (ICETI); Editor of the "Revista Direito Sociais e Políticas Públicas (UNIFAFIBE) - Qualis/Capes B1"; Editor of the Revista Jurídica Cesumar (UNICESUMAR) - Qualis/Capes A2"; Author of important legal books, worth highlighting: Personality rights and social rights: a concrete or poetic relationship? (Editora Boreal, 2016); Right to health: from standardization to effectiveness (Editora Boreal, 2016); "General Theory of the Right to Food: culture, citizenship, citizenship and legitimation" (Editora Boreal, 2015); "The Cultural Dimension of the Fundamental Right to Food" (Editora Boreal, 2013) and "Collective Protection of the Right to Health" (Lemos and Cruz, 2011), in addition to relevant book chapters and Legal Articles; from the Editorial Board of Important Publishers and Journals in the field of law. Legal Consultant, Reviewer and Lawyer. ResearchGate - Research Interest Score 83.5, Citations 174, h-index 7; .


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How to Cite

Teixeira de Menezes Reino, I., & Pereira Siqueira , D. . (2025). ADOPTION : THE NECESSARY PROTECTION OF THE CHILD RECEIVED AND IN THE ADOPTION PROCESS AND THE RIGHTS OF PERSONALITY. Revista Direitos Sociais E Políticas Públicas (UNIFAFIBE), 12(3), 30–50. Retrieved from

