Direitos da Personalidade, Direito Positivo, Hans Kelsen, Emmanuel Lévinas, AlteridadeAbstract
The study aims to analyze the conditions for positivizing Emmanuel Lévinas' otherness as a personality right. Thus, the research problem that guides this study is: can Levinasian alterity be incorporated as a positive Brazilian personality right? The initial hypothesis is that such incorporation is not possible, as otherness has characteristics that are antagonistic to positive law. The general research objective is to analyze the conditions for the possibility of incorporating Levinasian alterity as a positive Brazilian personality right. The specific ones are: a) analyzing the structure of alterity based on Emmanuel Lévinas; b) elaborate the normative premises of Brazilian positive personality law; and c) articulate the possibilities of framing otherness as a positive Brazilian personality right. The approach method is deductive and interdisciplinary. The procedural methods used are the monographic method with essentially bibliographic sources, as well as the comparative method. In the end, there is an incompatibility between the institutes and the need for more in-depth studies of legal positivism and its structure.
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