Crime., Delegacias., Homicídio doloso., Inquérito Policial., Vítimas.Abstract
The elucidation of intentional homicide crimes represents one of the main challenges for police entities, given that the ineffectiveness of investigations is responsible for leaving the perpetrators of this type of crime unpunished. In this article we understand the impasses encountered in elucidating the crimes of intentional homicides registered in the 57th and 58th Municipal Civil Police Stations that cover the cities of Apodi/RN, Felipe Guerra/RN, Itaú/RN, Rodolfo Fernandes/RN and Severiano Melo/RN, in the period between 2018 – 2022. Firstly, we briefly address the concept of homicide and its relationship with public safety. Finally, we demonstrate, through graphs, an analysis of homicide crimes, highlighting data such as: TEA (Perpetrator Elucidation Rate), main characteristics of victims of intentional homicides in the police districts highlighted above, pointing out gender, age group, profession, race, marital status, as well as the geographic location in which the victim died and the instrument used to commit this type of crime. To this end, we carried out qualitative-quantitative research, collecting information available in police inquiries from the 57th and 58th Municipal Police Stations of RN. Therefore, we demonstrate in this work that the process of elucidating the crime of intentional homicide in the Police Stations of Apodi/RN and Itaú/RN faces numerous challenges and becomes one of the main concerns of the police, since the ineffectiveness of the investigations leaves the perpetrators of the crimes unpunished.
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